Name of the learning company: WeaRoi Opy
Number of students in the group: 9
Field of business: The rag trade
Most important products: Work clothes and washing services
How customers were contacted: Customers were contacted through phone, Skype, e-mail and social media. WeaRoi also contacted customers face-2-face in Rovaniemi.
What social media channels were used: Instagram and Facebook
Most important marketing trick: Marketing videos on social media
Biggest client: Siisti Solutions Opy
Name of the learning company: Eco ATK Opy
Number of students in the group: First the learning company had 8 students and in beginning of 2017 it downsized to 7 students
Field of business: Data processing equipment and maintenance, computer programs.
Most important products: Computers that were sold with programs and maintenance.
How customers were contacted: Mainly via e-mail and social media. Eco ATK was using Instagram to keep the customers updated throughout the whole year.
Most important marketing trick: Eco ATKs mascot was a polar bear named Aarne. The best marketing tricks were based on seasons such as Christmas.
Biggest client: Biggest customers were the backing companies of Arctic Valley.
Eco ATK Opy at Napalaakso tutuksi fare in April 2017.
Name of the learning company: Napa-Markkinointi Opy
Number of students in the group: 6
Field of business: Advertising agency
Most important products: Marketing product that were sold as packages and Huippumyyjä-service.
How customers were contacted: Mainly via e-mail. Napa-Markkinointi also did face2face sales at Jokiväylä campus in Rovaniemi.
What social media channels were used: Instagram
Most important marketing trick: Marketing campaigns that had marketing products and services included. It was important to be active with contacting the customers.
Biggest client: Napalaakson kaupunki (The City of Arctic Valley)
Napa-Markkinointi Opy at Napalaakso tutuksi fare in April 2017.